Buying Guide: Body Scrubs
Body scrubs are vital for skin nourishment; you can find them in multiple types and formulas. The task is to choose the ideal one for your skin type and condition. Follow this guide to get your hands on the most beneficial exfoliator for yourself.
Things To Look for When Choosing a Body Scrub
Before adding any scrub to your skincare regime, consider the following factors.
Each body scrub has a unique composition to treat specific conditions caused by dead skin cells. For example, an exfoliant with salicylic acid is ideal for your body acne. If you have patches of scaly bumps, a scrub containing alpha-hydroxy acid can help your condition.
Skin type
Your skin type matters a lot when deciding on the exfoliant that will work for you. A sandy scrub can work fine for you if your skin is less prone to dryness. We prefer picking a less abrasive scrub for sensitive skin.
Moisturizing agent
A good body scrub should make your skin smooth after use. A few examples are shea butter, coconut oil, and vitamin B3.
You can get two different granule sizes based on the type of scrub you choose. You can go for one with fine particles if you are a frequent user of body scrubs. Large granules are ideal for rough and dry skin that requires intense exfoliation to eliminate all the dead skin.
You can choose an exfoliate with fragrance to smell good after a scrubbing session. Some classic scrub scents include honey-almond, orange, lavender, and coconut.
How To Use a Body Scrub for Effective Results
You can start by exfoliating your skin once a week in the beginning. Knowing the correct way to use a body scrub is essential to getting the maximum benefits. Let’s discuss a few steps you can perform routinely to enjoy a silky smooth body.
Wash your skin
You should start by rinsing your skin with lukewarm water. This step is necessary to allow the top layer of dirt and grime to clear away from your skin. Water can eliminate the upper layer of impurities quickly, allowing for in-depth exfoliation.
Apply the scrub
Take a small amount of body scrub in your hands to apply it to your skin. The correct way of application is to rub the exfoliate in a gentle, circular motion. You can also use brush-textured gloves to perform a more thorough scrubbing. Using exfoliating gloves can do the job of sloughing away dead skin swiftly. Don’t scrub the skin for more than half a minute, as you might damage it.
Use cleanser
The next step is to rewash the skin with warm water before using a cleanser. Using a regular cleanser for this purpose is better as it gives a final smooth touch.
Shave and moisturize
You can finally shave if needed and let the skin dry. Now apply a moisturizer, and your soft skin is ready to go.
Benefits of Body Scrubs
Our skin goes through a natural process of eliminating dead skin cells known as desquamation. This process is affected by certain factors, like aging and environmental pollution. Using a body scrub can help your skin remove all the dead cells and impurities effectively. Several other benefits accompany the decision to include this beauty product in your habit. Let’s briefly review them.
Enhanced moisturization
Although a body scrub contains emollients that can lubricate your sensitive skin, there is more to it. Exfoliation can clear all barriers from the skin that hinder the soaking capability of a moisturizer. Your moisturizer can now quickly absorb to show maximum soft skin effects.
Unclogged pores
Body scrubs are helpful for those who face blocked hair follicles after shaving. The most common reason behind this condition is clogging pores caused by tweezing, shaving, or waxing. Exfoliation can loosen up congested pores and prevent ingrown hairs.
Softens skin
Deposition of dead skin cells on the skin can dull your appearance, making you lose confidence. The skin can also get cracked and feel rough to the touch, which is an uncomfortable experience. A good scrub can remove almost all the dead cells, so your skin feels as smooth as silk.
Types of Body Scrubs
You must have heard of salt and sugar scrubs. While they are most common, there are many other types available on the market. We have listed a few and how your skin can benefit from them.
Salt body scrub
Salt exfoliators are abrasive and can effectively shed all the impurities on your skin. You can gain some additional advantages too through these scrubs, as they are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Sugar body scrub
Sugar scrubs are equally functional at removing dead skin cells. The secret behind their effectiveness is their hydrating properties. It lets your skin retain water to eliminate dryness, while the scrubbing sheds off the cell deposits.
Coffee body scrub
Coffee refreshes your skin when applied in a scrub. Using this scrub delivers a list of exceptional benefits. It can soften skin by removing dryness, improving circulation, and reducing the aging effect. Coffee exfoliators can also treat cellulite caused by increased fat cells on the abdomen and lower body parts.
Charcoal body scrub
This scrub has a unique function that exfoliates your skin without robbing the skin of natural oils. Charcoal is an absorbing agent that quickly attracts dead cells and dirt from the skin. Your smooth, glowing skin will be ready to flaunt.
Korean body scrub
You just need a bar of soap and a pair of mitts for a Korean-style scrubbing session. There are no requirements for extraordinary ingredients, making it a budget-friendly choice. The effects are similar to using salt or sugar-based exfoliators.