Creeping menace of crystal meth, the drug more dangerous than crack | Society

May 2024 · 5 minute read
This article is more than 18 years old

Creeping menace of crystal meth, the drug more dangerous than crack

This article is more than 18 years old· Police warn of explosion in use on gay club scene
· Easy-to-make concoction may be reclassified

The government is considering the reclassification of a drug believed to be taking hold in the gay club scene after police warnings that it is dangerous and is now being made within the UK for the first time.

Police chiefs and the government have commissioned separate studies into methamphetamine, or crystal meth, known on the street as "ice", "meth" "Tina" and "Nazi crank". Now considered the number one problem drug in the United States, there are fears it could become much more prevalent in Britain, where little is known about its usage.

The UK authorities currently categorise methamphetamine as a class B drug. But the Home Office has asked the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs to examine its "toxicity, risk, manufacture and prevalence and consider its appropriate classification". The report is due soon.

The extent of methamphetamine use in this country is obscured by the fact that the number of seizures of the drug and related arrests are lumped in with amphetamines; there are no separate statistics.

Meth, a synthetic drug that can be snorted, smoked, injected or eaten, is relatively simple to make from household products; medical experts warn that it can be highly addictive, with devastating physical and psychological consequences.

"While there have not been any significant seizures of methamphetamine in the UK to date, we believe the drug is being manufactured here," said Andy Hayman, the Association of Chief Police Officers' spokesman on drugs and a Metropolitan police assistant commissioner. "We are aware of the growth in the use of meth across the USA and parts of south-east Asia and eastern Europe, and the drug-related crime it leads to, along with its physical and social consequences. Acpo recently appointed one of its members to conduct extensive research. This will continue the work already undertaken to identify intelligence relating to meth. We are aware that this white odourless drug can be made with relatively inexpensive over-the-counter ingredients."

Scotland Yard refused to comment on methamphetamine supply and use in London. But sources told the Guardian the Met was consulting US drug enforcement agents for advice. There are unconfirmed reports that police have raided several meth labs in the south-east of England.

Meth recipes, which include everyday domestic products, are easily accessible and can be mixed using a basic school chemistry set. The highly volatile mix of chemicals has caused several explosions in the US. Canada recently introduced life sentences for its manufacture.

John Marsden, of the Institute of Psychiatry, told The London Programme, which carried out an investigation into meth, to be screened on ITV1 tonight, that he considered meth more addictive than crack cocaine. "It's critical that the public are made more aware of the dangers of this drug," Dr Marsden said. "It has a signature and a footprint of effects which create a higher level of dependency if someone is using regularly."

Will Nutland, of the HIV/Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, said: "We're hearing more anecdotally about crystal meth and how it affects people. It's a disinhibitor and makes people do things they wouldn't normally do. They can feel incredibly horny and keep going for hours, but there is the risk of physical damage and HIV."

Case study

Peter (not his real name), a 28-year-old professional who lives in south London and works in the City, has used meth twice

"I'm gay and I go out clubbing and to a lot of parties. The first time I used meth was at a party about 10 months ago and it was just curiosity. I'd not really heard of it until recently and then I was hearing more and more from people who'd tried it and the experiences they had, like getting really horny and having great sex. It wasn't all good experiences but where drugs are concerned, people are curious, they want to try it anyway.

"The first time I didn't really feel much at all, maybe because of the cocktail of other drugs I'd taken, but later on I decided to try it again. I bought some crystals about six months ago from an acquaintance and a pipe to smoke it in.

"I took it before a night out but instead of being my normal bubbly self, I was really quiet and withdrawn. But afterwards I couldn't sleep for three days, and by the third day I was really tearing my hair out with exhaustion.

"You do hear much more about meth in London these days and a lot of people are trying it. Although none of my friends have become addicted, I've heard on the grapevine about addicts. I think people are making it at home, but it's quite a volatile process that's scary enough to put you off. It is pretty easy to get and it is becoming more popular in clubs, but I won't be trying it again."

FAQ: Methamphetamine

What is the drug called and what are its street names?

Official name is methamphetamine. Nicknames are crystal meth, ice, Nazi crank and Tina

When was it first developed?

In Japan in 1919. Used by troops in war to stay awake for periods. Hitler is rumoured to have injected it daily

How widespread is its use?

Increasingly common in US and south-east Asia, and is emerging on the UK gay club scene

What are the effects?

Prolonged high, energy and sexual disinhibition. Long-term effects include weight loss and rotting teeth

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