Brie Larson is an Academy Award winner and known for her role as Captain Marvel in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If one searches Brie Larson online, Google says the actress is 5 feet 7 inches tall. However, while participating in a segment for WIRED called “Web’s Most Searched Questions,” Larson had a different answer.

Brie Larson says she is taller than her listed height
In 2019, Larson took part in several online promotions for the movie Captain Marvel. One of those was the WIRED Autocomplete Interview which was posted on YouTube. For the interview, Larson answered the most commonly asked questions about herself on Google.
Toward the end of the segment, Larson got a question that asked “How tall is Brie Larson?” She answered that she was 5 foot 8 inches “ish,” and then clarified that she is probably a little more than 5 foot 8 inches tall.
“… which is specific, but I’m really just gonna eke out everything I can,” she said before moving on to the next question.
Other questions Brie Larson answered
In addition to being asked about her height, Larson answered numerous questions about her childhood, background, hobbies, and movie roles.
When asked if she ever attended college, Larson replied, “No, I almost walked into a buffet on the way here. It’s a wonder that I even made it to this interview.”
The MCU actor was then prompted to explain why she did not attend college.
“Really why didn’t I go? How do I explain this… I’m just not that good at it. I love to learn, but I’m not good at sitting still,” she said.
Another popular question pulled from Google was where Larson grew up, and Larson said the answer was complicated.
“I was born in Sacramento but moved to Los Angeles when I was like seven or eight, something like that,” she answered. “I don’t really like when people ask that question… because then I say ‘Los Angeles’ and they go ‘It’s crazy you’re from Los Angeles. No one’s from Los Angeles.'”
What she thinks of beauty standards
W Magazine published an interview with Larson on Nov. 3, 2020. In the interview, Larson discussed her new partnership with Decorté and beauty standards.
“I don’t believe that there is a beauty standard. I struggled with feeling ugly and like an outcast for so much of my life. And so I really, really feel for that. It took me a long time to be able to be totally comfortable with myself,” Larson said. “The thing that has brought me solace is knowing that I can be whoever I want to be with myself.”
With her YouTube channel, Larson hopes to pass that message along to others.
“That, to me, is my ultimate goal in life: to do whatever it is that I can so people have the freedom to express themselves and be exactly who it is that they want to be—whatever that is—knowing that that can also change,” she said.