The end of the school year will be here before long, and parents will be looking for activities to keep their kids occupied. Here are a few local camps offering programming for kids in the Quad Cities. Check the website for each camp for fees, hours, deadlines and other important information.
Spring Forward Summer Enrichment Camps
These camps offer programming for kids entering first through sixth grades at all nine elementary schools in the Rock Island-Milan school district during June and July. Campers work with teachers on math and reading during morning sessions, while afternoon sessions are spent with enrichment, sports and play. There are field trips on Fridays.
These camps provide kids ages 4-13 the opportunity to learn more about animals through hands on activities, tours and encounters with zoo residents. Younger campers attend half day sessions and must be accompanied by an adult while older campers attend day long sessions without an adult.
These camps for kids in grades kindergarten-sixth divide kids into groups by grade, and then into smaller groups. Campers enjoy fun activities like swimming and field trips to local museums and parks.
Rock Island Parks & Recreation Adventure Day Camp
These camps for kids in grades kindergarten-seventh are built around weekly themes and have a combination of academic, athletic, creative and fun activities for campers. There are field trips to parks and entertainment centers in the area on Wednesdays. Preschool and sport camps are also available.
Both day camps at branches and a residential camp are offered. Campers for the branch programs must have completed kindergarten but be no more than 12 years old. Campers for the Camp Abe Lincoln day camp must be between 4-12 and campers must be 8-14 for the residential camp. Campers take part in crafts and indoor and outdoor activities.
Camp Shalom offers a variety of camps, including summer, elementary, junior high, senior high and family camps, as well as a retreat and a winter camp. This Christian-based organization gives campers opportunities to enjoy archery, canoeing, ropes courses, crafts and more.
This camp for Girl Scouts teaches campers new skills and how to meet challenges in a safe and supportive environment. Campers take part in activities like crafts, archery, canoeing and zip lining.
This camp for members of Scouts BSA gives campers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, including swimming, SCUBA, archery, rifle shooting, climbing and much more. Scouts and leaders work together on advancement and learn about camping while meeting new Scouts and making friends.
With camps for kids ages 3-18 in programs such as improv, scenic design and storytelling, there’s an acting camp suited for any aspiring young thespian.