Morgana Alba: Where Is the Circus Siren Pod Founder Now?

Morgana Alba: Where Is the Circus Siren Pod Founder Now?

April 2024 · 4 minute read

As part of Netflix’s “MerPeople” series, which introduces viewers to the mermaiding community, we get to meet a number of fascinating individuals, such as Mermaid Sparkles, who felt trapped in Arkansas, Mermaid Che Monique, the organization’s founder, and The Blixunami, who identified as a non-binary merm. The introduction of Morgana Alba, a performer, the creator of the Circus Siren Pod, and a pillar of the neighbourhood, however, made the audience’s excitement soar. Morgana didn’t start mermaiding until 2012, which is noteworthy because she also emphasised how the scene has changed significantly in recent years. Now that the cameras are off, let’s look into Morgana’s life and see where she is right now, shall we?

Who Is Morgana Alba?

Morgana has always had a passion for the performing arts, but she didn’t become interested in mermaids until 2012. Instead, she enrolled at Penn State University after her high school diploma to pursue an engineering degree. She did, however, gradually come to understand about the mermaiding society over the years, including how some people enjoyed dressing up as mermaids and performing in the sea to fulfil their desires. Morgana was incredibly intrigued by the idea that mermaiding required more practise and expertise than just fancy dress. Because the way of living was seen as a performing art, Morgana quickly adapted and became into a professional mermaid in 2012.morgana alba now instagram,morgana alba now age,morgana alba now reddit,morgana movie,morgana film,alba money heist,alba gonzalez,morgana book

Unfortunately, performing as a mermaid back in 2012 was much more difficult because the performers had to put themselves through demanding training regimens and most had no idea how to handle the serious health problems they were likely to develop. Additionally, the only gigs available for mermaids were at festivals and parties, and even those didn’t pay well, requiring the majority of them to pursue other day employment. However, Morgana was not one to give up so easily. She persisted in following her love while establishing a name for herself in the performing arts field. She actually participated in a number of prominent performances, with Gris by VADT, The Nut-Cracker: A Burlesque Ballet, The Jeff and Coca Show, and Ms. Goose and the Naughty Tails among the most notable. In addition, Morgana earned multiple awards for her performance and circus skills while serving as an instructor at CombatCon 2016.

Readers may find it interesting to learn that Morgana was heavily active in circus arts before founding Circus Siren Entertainment LLC and was even recognised as a World Champion Circus Artist with a focus on aerial dance. Nevertheless, she established the Circus Siren Pod in 2016 with the goal of creating an exclusive troupe of mermaids that would travel the nation and appear at the most exclusive occasions. Morgana personally monitored auditions since she was so determined to realise her dream, and the group continues to have extremely high entrance requirements and a strict training regimen. Therefore, it wasn’t shocking when the Circus Siren Pod became one of the most prestigious and sought-after mermaiding groups in the world as a result of Morgana’s tireless efforts and the group’s exclusivity.

Where Is Morgana Alba Now?

Currently, Morgana lives and operates the Circus Siren Pod in the Washington, DC-Baltimore area. Even in a Netflix interview, she made clear how flawless she expected her actors to be: “In my firm, we normally do one-hour dive shifts, and after that, you’re beat. To even attempt that, you must first build up to it. Both amateurs and professionals find it shocking how much energy swimming and mermaid riding physically drain from you. The endurance is insane.

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However, readers will be happy to learn that Morgana has brought two of her ‘MerPeople’ co-stars, Mermaid Sparkles and Mermaid Che Monique, to the Circus Siren Pod after filming finished. Additionally, according to reports, Morgana’s company developed a collection of mermaid apparel for pride under the name Not a Phase after drawing inspiration from mermaids in the LGBTQ+ community. In the Netflix interview, Morgana also disclosed that she wanted to boost the online visibility of her business by planning gatherings for prospective mermaids and mermaid aficionados who want to be a part of the community. We hope that success never eludes Morgana in the years to come because of the incredibly remarkable job she has done for the community.

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Divesh Solanki
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Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.
