An expert woodsman, skidder operator and a supporting player in the “American Loggers” reality-TV program has died, his employer said Monday. David “Davey” McLaughlin, of Milo, who turned 45 on April 15, died late Friday.
Accordingly, Why was Shelby Stanga in jail?
Shelby “Swamp Man” Stanga — one of reality TV’s biggest bad ass loggers — got a little carried away with his ax, and ended up getting busted for murder … of a neighbor’s tree. Stanga was arrested and hauled off to jail down on the bayou this week for allegedly cutting down a cypress tree 3 years ago.
Moreover, How much do Swamp Loggers get paid?
A salary survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a median annual salary of $38,840 in 2017. This means half of the loggers made more than the median and half made less. The top earning 10 percent of loggers earned more than $59,870 while the 10 percent paid the least received under $24,540.
Also Why did Swamp Loggers get Cancelled?
Our local swamp loggers completed their last season with the reality show. The company did not sign for more episodes because they were asked to do more than just cut trees. “They wanted us to start having more fighting, more drama and I’m not willing to do that,” said Bobby.
Who Is Shelby Stanga wife?
Shelby Stanga Married Life, Wife Kids
The face of ‘Ax Men,’ Shelby Stanga, is happily married to Donna Stagna since the early 2000s after a long time of dating each other.
23 Related Question Answers Found
Where does Shelby Swamp Man live?
Shelby Stanga Mailing Address Swamp Man Logging 38061 Lee’s Landing Rd Ponchatoula, LA 70454. Shelby Stanga might be a television personality, but you won’t find him living in luxury. The 55-year-old swamp-master and his Jehovah-Witness wife Donna live in their home near Lake Pontchartrain.
How much do self employed loggers make?
They earned a median $21.46 per hour or $44,650 per year as of May 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The median salary is the midpoint, so half of fallers earned more than this amount. Fallers are among the highest-paid logger jobs.
What is Bobby Goodson worth?
Bobby Goodson net worth: Bobby Goodson is an American entrepreneur and reality television show personality who has a net worth of $3 million dollars. Born in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Bobby Goodson began working in the logging industry when he was eleven years old.
What is Bobby Goodson net worth?
Bobby Goodson net worth: Bobby Goodson is an American entrepreneur and reality television show personality who has a net worth of $3 million dollars. Born in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Bobby Goodson began working in the logging industry when he was eleven years old.
Why are swamp logs so valuable?
These logs are prized for their possible uses, including flooring and paneling due to the wood’s tight grain, rich color and intriguing grain patterns. DeadHead Lumber Company has been focused on reclaiming the sunken logs from Maine rivers and lakes.
Did Bo on Swamp Loggers die?
And while his life was mostly uneventful following the show’s cancellation, he was involved in a fatal car wreck in 2017. … The victims of the accident were a 30-year-old woman and her 8-year-old daughter and in 2018, a year after the tragedy, Bo spoke to the local news about how the accident still affected him.
What was swamp man’s name?
Shelby Stanga’s known as the Swamp Man – and he’s been ruling these parts for years. He earned a fortune hauling valuable cypress out of the muddy waters and won a reputation as King of the Swamp.
Did Shelby’s pirate ship sink?
Did Shelby’s pirate ship sink? For living legend Shelby Stanga, the last two years have been his hardest. First, his pride and joy pirate ship sank – destroying his livelihood. Shelby retreated to the deepest part of the swamp – survived off the land – and regrouped.
Who is Angela on Shelby the Swamp Man?
According to History, Angela is “Shelby’s protege. She was one of his only links to the outside world when he retreated deep into the swamp. Armed with a degree in psychotherapy that the Swamp Man encouraged her to pursue, she’s tough and an expert welder.
How many loggers die a year?
Fatality Rates
Over this 10-year period, an estimated 1,492 of these deaths occurred in the logging industry, where the average annual fatality rate is more than 23 times that for all U.S. workers (164 deaths per 100,000 workers compared with 7 per 100,000).
What job gets paid the most?
25 Highest Paid Occupations in the U.S.
- The Methodology We Used.
- Anesthesiologists: $261,730*
- Surgeons: $252,040*
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: $237,570.
- Obstetricians-Gynecologists: $233,610*
- Orthodontists: $230,830.
- Prosthodontists: $220,840.
- Psychiatrists: $220,430*
Are loggers in demand?
Overall employment of logging workers is projected to decline 13 percent from 2019 to 2029. However, there will be a need to replace workers who retire or leave the occupation permanently.
Is Goodson Swamp Loggers still in business?
Tuesday’s decision came after months of uncertainty about the show’s future. “Swamp Loggers” won’t return to Discovery Channel for a fourth season. … Bobby Goodson, owner of Goodson’s All Terrain Logging, the business on which the show is based, said Wednesday he was surprised but not upset.
Is Bobby Goodson from swamp loggers alive?
Marvin “Bobby” Leo Goodson, 73, of Beulaville, NC, was received by his Heavenly Father Thursday, December 14, 2019, at Vidant Hospital in Greenville, NC. Bobby was born December 28, 1945 in Chiefland, Florida to Theodore Roosevelt (T.R.)
Are the swamp loggers still in business?
Tuesday’s decision came after months of uncertainty about the show’s future. “Swamp Loggers” won’t return to Discovery Channel for a fourth season. … Bobby Goodson, owner of Goodson’s All Terrain Logging, the business on which the show is based, said Wednesday he was surprised but not upset.
Where is swamp loggers filmed?
Swamp Loggers is an American reality television series which was originally broadcast on the Discovery Channel, from 2009 to 2012, that follows the crew of Goodson’s All Terrain Logging as they log the swamps of North Carolina. Much of the series was filmed in Pender County.
What is the most expensive wood?
African Blackwood is one of the hardest and densest wood in the world and is mostly used for musical instruments. It is considered as the most expensive wood in the world because not only it is challenging to work with hand or machine tools, its trees are already near-threatened.
Does submerged wood rot?
It may come as a surprise then that wood can also be too wet to decay. Just like all living organisms, fungi require oxygen to live. When wood is submerged in water, air is driven out of all the cells, and decay fungi cannot grow.
Why do they keep logs in the water?
Storing logs under sprinklers or in a log pond helps prevent end checking and slows deterioration caused by insects, fungal stain, and decay. However, chemical staining can occur under wet conditions. Today, softwood logs decked in the log yard are typically protected by water sprinkling during warm weather.
Last Updated: 13 days ago – Authors : 16 – Contributors : 24 – References : 35 interviews and posts; 10 Videos.